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What are the working conditions of enameled equipment?

Enameled reactor on the operating environment requirements are extremely stringent, any minor imperfections may have a negative impact on its subsequent normal operation. In order to ensure its efficient and stable operation, the following working conditions must be strictly adhered to:

1. Read the operation guide thoroughly: Before installing the enamel reactor, make sure to read and understand the operation manual and installation instructions carefully to ensure that every step of operation is in line with the specifications.

2. Cautious opening and protection: During the process of opening, careful operation is required to avoid the use of nail pullers, crowbars, hammers and other tools that may directly contact and damage the glass-lined surface, in order to prevent damage caused by mechanical impact.

3. Check the integrity of the lining: before installation, thoroughly clean the surface of the equipment and carefully check whether the glass lining is intact to ensure that there are no cracks or defects.


4. Uniformly tighten the connectors: when tightening the flanges and connectors, follow the standard process of chemical vessel installation, and tighten the bolts in a symmetrical and uniform way to prevent the enamel layer from being damaged by localized stress concentration. If the gasket is found to be aging and losing elasticity, it should be replaced with a new gasket in time.

5. Ensure the quality and quantity of clips: as a key stress components, the quality and quantity of clips need to be strictly controlled. Installation process, not only to ensure that the clamp force uniformity, but also need to confirm the number of errors, is strictly prohibited to arbitrarily reduce or omit the installation.

In summary, in order to ensure that the enamel reactor can run for a long time and stably, it is necessary to comprehensively understand and prepare for its requirements before use, and strictly meet its working conditions, so as to guarantee the normal use of the subsequent.

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