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Glass lined reactor spark detection standards

Glass lined reactor spark detection standards mainly include the following aspects.

1, detection instrument: use portable glass-lined kettle breakage detector or DHHY-853 EDM detector for detection. These instruments have specific technical parameters, such as output voltage, current, power, etc., to ensure the accuracy and safety of detection.

2、Detection steps: After the kettle production is completed, put full of tap water, and then carry out EDM scanning detection. The detection process needs to pay attention to toxic and hazardous gases and ensure the safety of operation.


3、Detection standard: the porcelain layer of glass-lined reactor should have good insulation. When the porcelain layer is checked with high frequency electric spark in the specified thickness, the high frequency electric spark can not penetrate the porcelain layer, which is an important criterion to judge whether the porcelain layer is intact.

In summary, the glass-lined reactor spark detection standard covers the detection instrument, testing steps and testing standards in three aspects, to ensure that the reactor porcelain layer breakage of accurate detection.

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