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What are the factors affecting the use of pressure?

Glass-lined reaction tanks have a wide range of applications. Among them, the tank body as the most important part, the choice of its material is crucial to the performance and service life of the reaction tank. Commonly used tank materials include toughened glass lining and borosilicate rubber glass, etc. Toughened glass lining has high physical strength and chemical stability, and can withstand a pressure of 1.2MPa at room temperature; while borosilicate rubber glass is more robust and durable, and can withstand a pressure of more than 2.5MPa at high temperature.

Regarding the normal use of glass-lined reaction tank pressure range, it depends on a number of factors such as tank material, thickness, structure and manufacturing process. Generally speaking, the design pressure range of most glass-lined reaction tanks is around 0.2~0.5MPa, but there are some special specification reaction tanks which can withstand higher pressure. In order to ensure safety, the pressure in the reaction tank should be strictly controlled not to exceed its design range.

Factors affecting the use of glass-lined reaction tank pressure are mainly the following aspects:


Temperature: temperature is the key factor affecting the pressure inside the reaction tank. As the temperature rises, the molecular movement of the material inside the reaction tank intensifies, which leads to an increase in pressure. Therefore, during high temperature experiments, you need to pay special attention to and control the pressure change inside the reaction tank.

Liquid Level: The level of the liquid also affects the pressure inside the reaction tank. When the liquid level is too high, the gas space inside the container is reduced and the gas cannot expand sufficiently, which may lead to an increase in internal pressure; while when the liquid level is too low, the material may be exposed to excessive heat or gas, which may cause localized explosion or drying.

Material: material is also an important factor affecting the use of glass-lined reaction tank pressure. Different materials have different chemical properties and physical properties, these characteristics directly affect the pressure changes in the reaction tank. For example, easy to oxidize or easy to produce gas materials in the reaction process may lead to a rapid increase in internal pressure.

In order to ensure the safe operation of glass-lined reaction tanks, in addition to considering the above factors, the reaction tank should be regularly inspected and maintained to ensure its structural integrity and good sealing. In addition, in the operation process, the operating procedures should be strictly observed to avoid operational errors leading to abnormal pressure in the glass-lined reaction tank.

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