Industry news

Selection of glass lined reactor head

When choosing the head of a glass lined reactor, the main considerations are its shape, size, and material.

Head shape: Elliptical heads are often selected due to their smooth and continuous changes in meridian curvature, uniform stress distribution, and ease of stamping, making them suitable for medium and low pressure vessels.

Head size: Accurate calculation is required to ensure strength and stability. Factors to consider include effective volume, working pressure, working temperature, design pressure, design temperature, material thickness, etc.

Head material: It needs to have corrosion resistance, sufficient strength, and stability to adapt to high temperature and high pressure working environments.

glass lined reactor

The selection of glass lined reactor head is mainly based on its usage environment and process requirements, and elliptical head is a commonly used choice. The following are specific considerations:

Advantages of elliptical head: The elliptical head is composed of half an ellipsoidal surface and a short cylinder, with smooth and continuous changes in meridian curvature, uniform stress distribution, and easy stamping forming. It is suitable for medium and low pressure vessels, so elliptical heads are often used for glass lined reaction vessels.

Considerations for other types of heads: Although there are other types of heads such as hemispherical, disc-shaped, conical, and flat, when choosing a glass lined reactor head, it is necessary to comprehensively consider factors such as corrosion resistance, pressure bearing capacity, manufacturing difficulty, and cost.

Consideration of special requirements: For specific process conditions or usage environments, it may be necessary to select heads with special shapes or materials to meet specific needs.

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