Industry news

Why the glass-lined reactor does not automatically on the water

Glass lined reaction tanks in use may encounter the problem of automatic water function failure. In order to ensure the normal operation of the glass-lined reaction tank, should first find out the cause of the problem and take appropriate measures i

Power problem: The pumping system of glass-lined reactor tanks usually relies on electric power, if there is a problem with the power supply (e.g. power outage, unstable voltage, etc.), it may lead to the pumping system not working properly. Therefore, it is necessary to check the power supply and ensure that the power supply is normal.

Pipe blockage: The pumping pipe of glass-lined reactor tank may be blocked for various reasons (such as impurities, particles, etc.), resulting in the inability of normal pumping. At this time, it is necessary to check and clean the pipeline to ensure unobstructed flow.


  No air in the glass-lined reaction tank: glass-lined reaction tank to store a certain amount of air inside, inside the air is too little, or the content of air is very small, then the pump can not be filled with water when the pressure switch disconnect, and at the same time the pressure tank, the output pipeline are not under pressure, the faucet is opened naturally are no water, because after that and in the pump can run normally before you can give output To the output of the pipeline to provide pressure, otherwise in the use of natural is no water. If the pump lobe is damaged or the pump body is not sealed properly, it may also lead to poor pumping or unable to pump water. In this case, the pump body needs to be inspected and repaired or replaced as necessary.

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