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What are the advantages and role of the coating of enamel tanks

In the many pressure vessel equipment with anti-corrosion properties, enamel tanks are very prominent, with outstanding performance, the average service life is also longer. That for the use of the coating and what are the advantages and role, let's continue to learn more.

  First, the enamel reactor coating (lining) layer should have good adhesion.

  Secondly, the coating (lining) layer should have excellent electrical insulation and resistance to Yin Ji peeling.

  Further, the coating (lining) layer should have excellent anti-penetration properties to ensure that the film has sufficient thickness (general film thickness of 250-300mm), can effectively prevent corrosive media penetration to reach the surface of the enamel reactor substrate.


  Finally, the coating (lining) layer should have excellent water resistance, oil resistance and temperature resistance. To consider the antistatic properties of the internal anti-corrosion layer, will not contaminate the enamel reactor.

  Then, in for the choice of coating is a direct influence on the coating. Good coatings and poor quality coatings have a hard time distinguishing in appearance. Therefore, in order to avoid damage to the enamel reactor due to the purchase of poor-quality coatings, we recommend that you recognize the qualifications of the enterprise when choosing manufacturers. In addition to the strict selection of coatings, we also need to carry out regular maintenance in the daily use of the enamel reactor in order to make the equipment work properly.

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Add: Hongshan Town Industrial Park, Chongzheng Road, Zichuan District, Zibo City, Shandong Province